I honestly lost track of the days because you know, I’ve been preoccupied with assignments. So it just hit me today that it’s already our last Zoom session before our Batch Recital and Graduation on March 9!
We made it this far! YAY!
It was such a relief that the deadline for assignments wasn’t today. HAHAHAHA Found out we still have a little over a week to complete all our requirements/assignments. I’m not as worried about myself compared to how I worry about those who are at a disadvantage when it comes to completing the assignments. I hope I can finish up on mine already so I can still offer a hand to my other group mates — and my sister!
I just committed to putting together the last group project we’re gonna do as BR2 — our CVAP Mantra Group Video. Excited for this!
Really enjoyed today’s morning session. So much to learn from Ms. Lyn Gonzales. I’m honestly disappointed her presentation had to be cut short because I was totally in the zone, soaking in all the info she was freely giving us — relevant and beneficial details for baby voice artists like myself! If you only knew how I was screenshot-ing like crazy, afraid to miss out on anything. HAHA
If she chances by this blog, I’d like to tell her this:
Ma’am Lyn, thank you very much for your generous sharing of knowledge in the field of Voice Artistry. I look up to you.
Moving on to the afternoon session…
I have to admit that dubbing is what attracted me to voice artistry. It’s just so cool! But now I know better that it’s not cool for no reason. It’s cool because the work, skills, and talent that is needed to do dubbing, it’s at a whole new level.
I still need to muster up the confidence to even dare try. But I will. I’m not raising a white flag without even trying.
Now I look at them dubbers and go:
Wow, they’re all oozing with talent. I wish I’d ooze the same someday. HAHA
A little sentimental thinking about today being the last zoom training. At the same time though, loads excited for what’s in store for me after I officially become a...
Thank you, CVAP!
Thank you, Sir Pocholo!
You have given this stay-at-home-mom hope.
You helped me find something I can call mine.
Forever grateful for the opportunity, and thrilled about all the doors and windows that will swing open because of this.